We’re excited to announce our exclusive Special Membership Sale, designed to provide exceptional value and savings for our loyal customers. For a limited time, you can enjoy significant discounts on memberships, offering you access to exclusive perks, discounts, and priority services. This sale is the perfect opportunity to get the most out of your membership while saving more. Don’t miss out on these incredible savings — join today and experience all the benefits that come with being a valued member.
SALE: December 2024
Limited-Time Offer:
$25 Membership Initiation Discount
+ 2 Free Daily Passes ($48 Value)
Join today and take advantage of our exclusive $25 Membership Initiation Discount — a perfect way to experience all the benefits of membership at a great price! But that’s not all — when you sign up, you’ll also receive 2 Free LGR Daily Range Passes, giving your family and/or friends the chance to enjoy our facilities without any additional cost. The Daily Range Pass also makes great Christmas Gifts!
Whether you're looking to access premium access, exclusive discounts, or just want to enjoy more of what we offer, this is the perfect opportunity to get started.
Hurry, this special offer is available for the month of December 2024! Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to join and enjoy all the benefits of membership!
USE COUPON CODE: DEC24 - $25 Membership Initiation Discount
Take advantage of our special offer by using the coupon code DEC24 during the LGR Membership online application process to receive your $25 Initiation Discount. This is the quickest way to get your membership started and your two free LGR Range Passes issued.
Alternatively, you can mention the code in the LGR Pro Shop to claim your discount.
​If you choose to complete your payment in the LGR Pro Shop, we recommend filling out your LGR Membership Application in advance to streamline the process.
Once your initiation and membership fees are paid, we will promptly move you through our Membership Onboarding to issue your membership card(s), acceptance email(s), and invitations to our MemberPlanet (MP) portal and finalize your onboarding.
Once your Membership Card is available for pickup, your two Free Range Passes ($48 Value) will be issued to you.
Initiation Fees:
When applying for the Linden Gun Range membership program,
there is a one-time initiation fee as long as your membership does not lapse or be canceled. The one-time Initiation fee is not the same as your annual or monthly membership dues. Please visit https://www.lindengunrange.com/membership-pricing for more information on membership pricing.
Regular Primary Member Initiation Price: $100
$25 Initiation price for each add-on Adult member.
Initiation is due upon application for membership. Initiation fees are refundable, subject to a $25 processing fee, provided the refund request is submitted within the 30-day application period. If you decide to reapply for membership after the 30-day period, you may request a partial credit towards your reapplication process from the previously paid and non-refunded initiation fee. To do so, please contact us via email at support@lindengunrange.com. The credit amount will depend on the initiation fee paid and any associated processing fees.
For more information on LGR Memberships: