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Double tap on the date for a full listing of events.

Students Looking to Train:

Courses are managed by the Certified Firearms Trainers and NOT by the Linden Gun Range. LGR is the host facility. For additional information on a course and to register, please contact the training company DIRECTLY.​


LCSC/Service Members:

For those that have been approved for practice ranges and are members of either the LCSC or a SERVICE Member, please review the calendar. Once you have found a range you would like to request, please submit a LCSC/SERVICE RANGE request form.


Certified Trainers:

Calendar shows confirmed courses (private and public). Available dates/ranges/classrooms are subject to a first come, first serve basis. Please email: for more information. If you are a current LGR approved trainer and would like to schedule a course on range, submit a Request For Range Rental Form.

Range CALENDAR Legend:

Bay 1: This range is west of Bay 2. It has no benches and is also behind the 200-yard range. 
Bay 2: This range is located directly behind (west) the 200-yard range and has concrete benches at the 25-yard line. 
Bay 3: The left 5 benches shooting into the berm located 50 yards from the firing line are also soon to be improved with a wall making it an additional bay to be used for shooting competitions.
Bay 4: Located on the 200-yard range, it is the first (soon to be second once Bay 3 is enclosed with the wall) stall on your left walking towards the 200-yard target line. This range is approximately 30 yards deep and 90 feet wide.
Bay 5: Located on the 200-yard range, it is the second stall (soon to be third once Bay 3 is enclosed with a wall) on your left walking towards the 200-yard target line.   This range is approximately 30 yards deep and 90 feet wide.
Bay 6: Located within Bay 7, used for competitions and staging area for larger, specialty courses.
Bay 7: Located on the 200-yard range, it is the third (soon to be the fourth once Bay 3 is enclosed with a wall) stall on your left walking towards the 200-yard target line.  This training area is just shy of a football field in size. All firearms welcomed impacting the north berm.* It also comes with the 200-yard rifle target line.   With a distance of 70 yards accommodating up to 20 students on one line, it makes it perfect for a carbine application. No pistol rounds allowed into this berm. However, you can use the east-facing (200 yards) berm for rifle rounds and transition to the north-facing berm (Bay 6) for pistol rounds.

200YD: 200 Yard Firing Line- The 5 right benches located at the firing line with bullets impacting the 200-yard target line.
All200: Bay 3-6 and the 200-yard target/berm line
NORTH: Bay 1-6 & 200YD berm.
CR1: Classroom 1 - Our large classroom is located north of the Main Office. It is the furthest west door and seats up to 10 students + 1 instructor (with Covid restrictions), 20 students + 1 instructor (without Covid restrictions)
CR2: Classroom 2 - Our smaller classroom is located north of the Main Office. It is directly east of CR1 and seats up to 5 students + 1 instructor (with Covid restrictions), 10 students + 1 instructor (without Covid restrictions).

828 S. Hewitt Rd.

Linden, CA. 95236


PUBLIC HOURS: Thursday - Sunday | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

Office Closes/Last Check-in accepted: Promptly at 3:30 PM

REQUIRED: First-time shooters:  PUBLIC RANGE ACCESS 

OPEN TO MEMBERS: Thursday - Monday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday & Wednesday - CLOSED

© 2021 by SAN JOAQUIN RIFLE & PISTOL RANGE Inc.  All rights reserved.

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