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Protecting Soldiers Rights & Linden Gun Range Mission Statement:


To provide a safe shooting, educational experience and environment for its members. Thereby providing assistance maintaining shooting proficiency. To provide guidance for the improvement of personal protection, competitive, and marksmanship skills and goals. To promote the sport of shooting, provide access for family participation to the facilities and various resources that actively and positively promote these ideals. To protect and preserve our shooting and hunting heritage and to offer shooting opportunities to youth and new shooters through education and instruction and to support stewardship in our local community.


​Protecting Soldiers Rights (PSR) is the veteran non profit that will handle all range management. This allows PSR to provide veteran specific events, veteran healing farm development, veteran firearm program development and a healthy environment for PTSD/TBI. PSR is a 501C3 Non profit and all donations goes into the Range Recovery.


  1. All members of the San Joaquin Rifle and Pistol Range Incorporated ("SJRPR, INC."), its subsidiaries, and members of Protecting Soldiers Rights, will serve the shooting community, associated organizations of the Club(s), and individuals with respect and honesty. 

  2. Members will show respect for and obey all applicable laws, rules and regulations while within the facility gates.

  3. SJRPR Inc., its subsidiaries, and members of Protecting Soldiers Rights will not compromise their principles for any reason or advantage. 

  4. Members will display respect for safety, integrity, fairness, and strive to be honest and trustworthy.

  5. All members will welcome new members and patrons with an attitude of sportsmanship and friendship and will strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment, to avoid harm, and respect the privacy of others.

  6. There shall be no tolerance for behavior, activities, or apparel promoting gangs or hate groups on the San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range Inc. facility grounds.  This policy is applicable to all sponsored extracurricular activities, athletic and social events, competitions and trainings, transportation and other services, and buildings, grounds, and property associated with SJRPR Inc. and/or it's subsidiaries. 

  7. Under all circumstances and conditions, members are expected to adhere to high standards of integrity.

  8. Violation of this Code of Ethics, Club Rules & Regulations, irresponsible behavior, or destruction of  San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range Inc. (and/or its subsidiary) property could result in disciplinary action and possible expulsion from the San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range Inc. and its subsidiaries and/or clubs.



  1. Guests are held to the same standards as any PSR/LGR members. Members are required to be sure their guests follow all rules, regulations, and codes and are legally allowed to be in possession of and/or are mentally stable enough to be in possession of a firearm.  San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol range, Inc. and it's subsidiaries reserves the right to refuse/deny LGR Members and/or LGR Applications and/or revoke LGR Memberships for misuse of facility and/or violation of those items stated above that are in a direct violation of, by said guest(s). Revocations of membership does not result in a refund.

  2. The safe handling of firearms and courtesy towards others is paramount. 

  3. Members will always uphold and adhere to the 4 Rules of Gun Safety: All guns are always loaded. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

  4. Members will adhere to the rules and regulations of each of the SJRPR Inc. and each of the SJRPR Inc. subsidiaries and/or its clubs, and/or Protectin Soldiers Rights.

  5. Each member is responsible for acquainting themselves with the location of all facility ranges and possible danger zones and will abide by any and all signs posted on and around the SJRPR Inc. facility. Members must familiarize their guests with these locations. Do not wander from established range, parking, and road area. 

  6. Each range is to be used only for the purpose for which it is constructed and all equipment must be approved prior to usage. All members shall treat the equipment and ranges with respect and report any and all equipment malfunctions and or maintenance needs to the LGR Pro Shop Office.

  7. All members must police their own brass after each session, but only take the brass used by the member themselves. All other brass remains the property of the SJRPR Inc. 

  8. All motor vehicles will be operated only on the facilities roads and shall be parked only in designated parking areas. 

  9. All members shall police their firing points and target areas and deposit trash in the trash barrels. Please leave the range in better condition than you found it. 

  10. There will be NO FIRING OF FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS or tannerite and/or exploding targets on the range by ANYONE at any time unless directly approved by the SJRPR Inc. staff without express written consent. 


  12. Tracer rounds or any type of incendiary ammunition is strictly prohibited at the San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range, Inc.


​Violation of this Code of Ethics, Club rules & regulations, irresponsible behavior, or destruction of any SJRPR Inc. and/or its subsidiary's property could result in disciplinary action and possible expulsion from the San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range Inc. and its subsidiary businesses and/or clubs. 

828 S. Hewitt Rd.

Linden, CA. 95236


PUBLIC HOURS: Thursday - Sunday | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

Office Closes/Last Check-in accepted: Promptly at 3:30 PM

REQUIRED: First-time shooters:  PUBLIC RANGE ACCESS 

OPEN TO MEMBERS: Thursday - Monday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday & Wednesday - CLOSED

© 2021 by SAN JOAQUIN RIFLE & PISTOL RANGE Inc.  All rights reserved.

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