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The Range Round Up-4

Hello Patrons. Welcome to the fourth installment of the "Range Round Up", where we keep you up to date on all things San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range. So much to be celebrated as we had a few firsts and exciting experiences over the last couple weeks.

We are so grateful for some beautiful days on the range, and a break from the rain, that helped us reach a new record of public range entries in one day! Thanks to all the new shooters who came to give us a try, the return shooters that continue to support us, and to our staff who take their jobs very seriously making sure to provide yet another safe and enjoyable day on the range exercising our second amendment freedoms!

We have some great news! New hours begin March 13th. Monday's are back to being open, and gates will open at 8:30AM Thursday-Monday.

By now, most of you have noticed that we are changing our logos. We are currently awaiting our pending DBA, the Linden Gun Range, but are still very proud to be known as the San Joaquin Rifle & Pistol Range, Inc. Certain companies have made it very difficult for us to spread our positive, cheerful, community focused business to our public when using "rifle & pistol" in our posts and let's be fair, SJRPR just doesn't quite roll off the tongue. Enter LGR. Please be on the lookout for our new logo. You can see it posted above with our new hours of operation.


Intro to Competitive Shooting

We welcomed a new youth talent to the range! Welcome Travis Wilson. He's a 13 year old from Brentwood, CA. He first visited our range with mom, dad & sister a few weeks ago after a friend of mine, Gina Scheid (mom of Amber whom I coach water polo in the fall at Ripon high School) recommended that they bring Travis over to check out the facility. After meeting with them, I found out that Travis wanted to spend some time away from travel baseball and had a love for shooting shotguns and rifles. I suggested he try our Intro to Competitive Shooting course through the LGR Academy (our in-house training program). Last Saturday, Travis and father, Scott, joined us on the range. It was the first time he actually fired a pistol. Lets just say he is a natural, and let me just say folks, this is what it is all about. After doing some basic drills to ensure safety, he was on range to try his first stage. We hope to work with Travis to really develop him into a successful shooter for the Linden Competitive Shooting Club (LCSC). Check out the video! If my memory serves me correct, this was the stage he got all "Alphas" on.

Linden Competitive Shooting Club

It's not official yet, but we are getting there! We are still waiting on the state to approve the Non-Profit, and for us to begin the club, officially, and start to take in our first members. To get a buzz going, I spent 90% of yesterday developing the LCSC website. It is officially up and running! I am so excited to actually be moving closer to a dream I have had since I took the range over from my parents 5 years ago. To top it off, I received a notification that the website had it's first subscriber. Thank you Steven Buonocore! Now, don't be too critical ;-) as there is so much to add to the site, but these things take time! I am as eager to get it done as you all are to have competitive shooting matches at the range. Check out the new website.

The Linden Competitive Shooting Club's First FUN SHOOT and PractiScore

Be apart of history in the making! We have officially set a date for our first Fun Shoot, which means we are well on our way to hosting sanctioned USPSA matches through the LCSC and at the "Linden Gun Range". As long as all things go accordingly and the state processes our club Non-Profit paperwork, then all should go as scheduled. We have posted the Fun Shoot through Practi-Score. Make sure to sign up now as we are only allowing 50 shooters for the first match scheduled for April 9, 2017.

For those who are unfamiliar with PractiScore, it is a complete Practical Shooting match scoring system running on mobile phones and tablets. Using PractiScore you can build stages in a match, register shooters, enter scores and calculate match results, all on the mobile. Additionally, because PractiScore shares data with other mobiles, you can have multiple squads scoring at the same time and it all works just fine.

New shooters; you will be asked to create a profile. Once completed you can register for "LCSC Fun Shoot 4-9-17". Just go under the "Matches" tab and type LCSC in the search bar. The fun shoot will pop up and you can take it from there. We suggest you begin your enrollment to USPSA. Once you receive a USPSA number, you can add that to your profile on PractiScore which will help you get your Division Classifications. We HIGHLY recommend new shooters take these courses. For more information, these things are discussed during the LGR Academy Intro to Competitive Shooting & Competition Shooting Clinics. For more information and dates of courses, visit the LGR Academy through the website.

If you have any questions about the club or would like to get more information as things develop, please visit the website and use the tools there to get involved. Don't forget to subscribe.

Just a few other things in the works for the LCSC:

  • NROI Certifications

  • Volunteers for April's Fun Shoot

  • Electing a Board of Directors

  • Starting a Go Fund Me account (improve range safety, targetry, equal access, etc)

  • Pre-paid entry for new members to help start the club and build our assets to run a successful club

Things in the works:

200 yard range

  • Opening up the 50 yard range for use for 200 qualified members only (weekends only)

  • Providing an RSO during those times

Bathroom improvement

Okay, we know our bathroom situation SUCKS! But, you'll all be happy to know we are working on it. We will be ensuring the cleanliness of the port-o-potties on the regular with daily sanitization and have plans to add an overhang above the existing unit on the public ranges. We would also like to add another unit on the 200 until we get stairway/ramp project funded and renovated.

These things are currently happening in order to improve the current situation until we can afford the major projects.

  • Adding an overhang above plumbed bathrooms to protect it from the elements (make cooler in summer, and dry in winter)

  • Adding sinks to the outside to remedy the accessibility as well as add hot water

  • Fixing the concrete and beautifying the area

Yearly membership program

  • Finalizing pricing

  • Website development

  • Payment platform

  • Need to switch Point of Sales in order to facilitate program

ALL Upcoming Range Rentals and Classes:

Personal Protection Outside the Home

PPR 1 - Defensive Accuracy

Sat, March 11, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Competition Shooting Clinic- Module 1

200 Yard- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Sat, March 18, 9:30am – 4:00pm

CCW San Joaquin / Calaveras

PPR2 - First Response

Sat, March 18, 8:30am – 4:00pm

Sun, March 19, 8:30am – 5:00pm

CCW Requal

PPR2 - First Response Firearms Training

Sun, March 26, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Intro to Competitive Shooting

CL2/200- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Sat, April 1, 9:00am – 3:30pm

Multi State CCW Course

CL2- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Fri, April 7, 6pm – 10pm

Competition Shooting Clinic- Module 1

200 Yard- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Sat, April 8, 9:30am – 4:00pm

Basic Maintenance Class Mod1

CR2- LGR Academy/First Response

Sat, April 8, 8am – 10am

Ladies Basic Pistol Module 1-3

PPr2- LGR Academy/First Response

Sat, April 8, 10am – 5pm

LCSC Fun Shoot


Sun, April 9, 9am - 4pm

In-House LGR Academy within the month:

Competition Shooting Clinic- Module 1

200 Yard- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Sat, March 18, 9:30am – 4:00pm

Intro to Competitive Shooting

CL2/200- LGR Academy/GSGLI

Sat, April 1, 9:00am – 3:30pm

Multi State CCW Course

CL2- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Fri, April 7, 6pm – 10pm

Competition Shooting Clinic- Module 1

200 Yard- LGR Academy/GSG Learning Institute

Sat, April 8, 9:30am – 4:00pm

Basic Maintenance Class Mod1

CR2- LGR Academy/First Response

Sat, April 8, 8am – 10am

Ladies Basic Pistol Module 1-3

PPr2- LGR Academy First Response

Sat, April 8, 10am – 5pm

In closing:

We will continue to strive for a successful 2017! Please feel free to comment below if you like what your reading, want to hear more about a certain subject, or have any suggestions.

Thank you for reading and for supporting one of the last standing outdoor public ranges in California. Stay safe and train often.

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828 S. Hewitt Rd.

Linden, CA. 95236


PUBLIC HOURS: Thursday - Sunday | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

Office Closes/Last Check-in accepted: Promptly at 3:30 PM

REQUIRED: First-time shooters:  PUBLIC RANGE ACCESS 

OPEN TO MEMBERS: Thursday - Monday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday & Wednesday - CLOSED

© 2021 by SAN JOAQUIN RIFLE & PISTOL RANGE Inc.  All rights reserved.

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